Finding Yourself In Menopause

£5 trial (30 days), then just £10.50 / month

✔️Menopause Mingle every month – an encouraging chat around the virtual campfire, bring your own hot chocolate and marshmallows!

✔️Easy Explanations – a monthly masterclass, to break down your concerns and challenges into easy to understand explanations.

✔️’Simple solutions’ on a monthly theme, giving you chance to ask questions (because we all need a bit more help sometimes)

✔️Access to a mini-library of online resources on menopausal health and wellness, worth in excess of £500

✔️Guest Experts – medical practitioners, health professionals and mind-body therapists

✔️Access to Angie – your avocado-obsessed and very down to earth, holistic Menopause Coach.

Maybe you know peri-menopause has started for you, but you feel confused about what to do now?

Perhaps you’re unsure where you’re at with it, but you’re fearful of what you’ve already heard about mental and physical symptoms, and want some preventative advice?

Or are you at post-menopause, and you thought it would all be fine by now, but you’re still not quite feeling yourself?

You’re not daft, you know there’s no magic bullet. But if someone could just give you the support you need, you’d feel less alone and more reassured that menopause isn’t going to derail you.

You know what?

Even though we’re talking about menopause much more these days, there’s still far TOO MUCH focus on ‘loss and decline’,

and talking about menopause has largely become a conversation about hormone therapy.

Truth is, there’s a lot more going on in this life phase than deciding on which type of treatment you’re going to use.

If you’re unaware of the major changes that happen in your 40’s and 50’s, you’re certainly not alone

(yep, there’s more to it than oestrogen decline!)

Things like…

Increased stress, increased inflammation, changes to relationships, changes to your motivation and confidence, and regulating emotions,

…if you’re not already having conversations about what to do about all this, then you’re really missing out on some essential chat and guidance.

The kind that makes the difference between knowing what to do to feel more yourself, and still feeling stuck.

There’s a better way than trying to guess what to try next.

Especially if you’re looking for some uplifting and inspiring advice, not just dry information.

For just ten quid a month we’ll provide you with the right support and expertise, to help you:

  • Understand what’s really going on for you (we understand that just ‘blaming’ your hormones isn’t a satisfactory answer)
  • Feel more confident in how to alleviate individual problems for yourself, in a way that feels right for you
  • Guide you on how to make all of that happen, without relying on willpower, crazy expensive supplements, or drastic life changes.

Finding Yourself In Menopause is more than a group with a library of valuable information.

We’re a community. We’re individual women going through very similar challenges, each in our own way and at our own pace.

If you’re looking for temporary fixes or something to solve it all in one go, we’re not for you.

But if you’re the kind of woman who wants to understand her body, and you’re looking for clear, simple actions that will make a big difference to how you feel,

(and you’d prefer to do that in the company of other women who also want to feel more confident and uplifted),

then we’d love to have you join us.
