Angie’s simple guide to a natural menopause

Get YOUR flippin’ life back and regain control with this crazy simple guide to feeling more yourself, for free. 

Just tell me where to send it.

Menopause can be confusing, frustrating and can suck the flipping life out of you….but it doesn’t have to be this way…

Hi! I’m Angie and I help women like you take back control, gain confidence and feel inspired.  

In short, I help you feel “normal” again.

Oh, and don’t worry, none of my techniques involve asking Dr Google, putting magnets in your knickers (yes, really!), or forcing down 3 pints of wheatgrass shots after 10 hours of hot naked yoga.

(Don’t get me wrong, you can still do those if you like… 😀)

The truth is, you don’t need to take drastic measures to improve your quality of life. 

I can show you some simple, effective and science-backed to help make you feel more “you” again – even if you can’t remember who that is, where you left your spark, or even if it’s caused by the menopause or not.

Natural techniques that can help you:

  • Get more energy – without having to stock up on super-strong Espresso.
  • Lose weight – without starving yourself miserable on extreme diets or having to run for 3 hours a day.
  • Reduce anxiety and irritability – without resorting to emotional binge eating. 
  • Feel happy within yourself – without feeling like you’re battling yourself.

So, if you’re struggling with any of the above, don’t worry – I can help.

It breaks my heart to see women struggle on their own with these issues, or, even worse, get fobbed off with medical prescriptions that don’t address their true needs.

I can help you understand what’s going on and help you get back in control – in a way that’s 100% natural.

No more feeling like it’s a slog to get things done or like you’re going crazy.

I do what I do so women like you can return to feeling like YOU again. 

Yes, that’s right…

It IS possible to feel like “YOU” again…

…and I can show you how!

Here’s what clients, members of Menopause Done Naturally

and workshop attendees have to say:

I really want to thank you for allowing me the space and opportunity to work through this problem. We know the answers sometimes but seeing them through the perspecive to really shift into embowered action is magic!

I am really grateful to see myself succeeding and devoting my time and focus to my body.

Joining this group has been a massive boost of encouragement and motivation. I can do this and life doesn’t have to continue being this way, things will get better and so far I am on track. For that I am proud! 

Thank you Angie for all the help and time you dedicate to this group, helping and supporting us. This group has really inspired me to keep going <3

Something has changed in my mind today, I started reading your Womanual last night Angie, I think that was the trigger. This time of my life doesn’t have to be dreaded. It’s natural and changes are going to happen. It’s what I do for myself along the way that will make the difference. I laughed today when I could have snapped, and that is huge for me!